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Carroll Worldwide

Jul 25, 2019

Special guest Mike Stewart, of Gracie Jiu Jitsu Maryland (www.realjiujitsu.comjoins the gang to offer his opinions on life, child rearing and just about everything.  Dennis ponders the recent kerfuffle between the city council and the mayor. Randy calls out a troll for not using the much revered “Can I Complain?”...

Jul 22, 2019

Sherri hits the streets at the 2nd Annual Pride Festival. Listen to interviews with vendors, town dignitaries, committee members and attendees. Tune in for the inside scoop of Westminster’s most colorful festival

Jul 18, 2019

Dennis' windfall is destroyed by his capricious overlords. Randy readjusts to life back home. Sherri brings back a full Pride Report.

Jul 11, 2019

The gang tries to make sense of a "scam" involving found money. Randy and Sherri discuss the vanity of social media. Dennis may be wrong again, this time misunderstanding a discussion about the library. Our Golden Tractor Crank award winner accepts his award.

Jul 3, 2019

Special Guest Bryan Lyburn from Habitat for Humanity stops by. Dennis is wrong, twice. Sherri elaborates on the acceptable use of a restaurant's resources as a non-customer. Randy is 60% confused as to where Taneytown is located. Sherri is mad at Randy for changing her chair, air conditioning, and a host of other things.